As an option to starting over with your business page, Bing lets you import all of your Google Business information into Bing Places. This is great because it saves us a lot of time, but the process feels long when your business doesn't have a real location.
Let's dive in!
The first step is to go to and click "New user."

Click on "Import from Google My Business now."

Check "I want to sync my business data," then choose how often you want to sync the data, and then click "Continue to Google My Business."

Sign in to your Google account for your business.

Click "Allow" to give permission.

Choose a specific business that is linked to the account.

Now, we'll also need to make a user account. If you press the "Google Account" button, you can skip this. The same email address will be used to make a user and start a business.
Check the information and click "Save" when you're done.

If your address is already on Google My Business, you can go straight to step 11. If you don't, "Missing Address" will be on the list of problems. To change this, click the "Review Address" link.
We will start by adding our home address, but later on when we set up the business page, we will be able to hide this address. To add an address, click the "Edit" link.
Add your own address and click the "Next" button.
Add a "Segment of Business" and a "Primary Category" before you click the "Next" button.
Click "Next" after choosing "No, hide this address from search results..."
Pick a business design from the pictures you have.
Set the hours of operation and click the "Submit" button.
Bing will tell you that it can take up to 14 days for a business to show up in Bing search. It took me 28 days, so don't give up if it takes longer than two weeks.
You'll get an email with a link to your business on Bing Maps once your business has been added.
This information will also show up all over the Bing network, including on Bing Search.